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Ashes to Beauty | Nana Campana

Ashes to Beauty


Getting the Victory, Passion, Clarity, and Direction You were Created to Have!


As an artist you have been entrusted with the gift of seeing the world through a different lens… It is YOU that has the power to make or break your world- and as long as you keep choosing to “FIT-IN” – the world keeps missing out on your beauty.  Your talent is unique – and God placed it there so that you would lead others to Him through it.


Have you ever felt as though there is so much more to life than what you are currently experiencing?

Have you ever thought to yourself: “This thing is WAY bigger than me!”
… that’s because it IS!


Until when will you conform to this world?


Until when will you choose to sit in the midst of your ashes?


The world needs you to step up to the plate!


The world needs you to dream it – create it – make it happen!
(and before you tell me otherwise – YES YOU CAN!)


The Bible says that you can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you!


Let me help you discover the path He has already traced for you and ebcourage you to walk in it.  Let me shine some light into the areas you have left unkept.  Let me prove to you that indeed HIS Word is true – and that it can be so much better than what it is right now.


I invite you to stop surviving and to start thriving!!
*to live outloud
*to live passionately and purposefully

I invite you to step from the ashes of the world into the beauty of the Lord.


What is Ashes to Beauty?

Ashes to Beauty is a journey of healing, self-discovery, and more importantly God-discovery. It is meant to allow you to become very clear on who God is, who you are in Him, as well as the purpose you have in order that you finally stop surviving and you dare to start thriving in Him.


What are the benefits Ashes to Beauty offers:
*The lies that are keeping you from realizing your purpose will be uncovered.

*You will understand what your strengths and your weaknesses are in order to learn how to maximize on your strengths.

*You will learn how your personality was precisely given to you in order that you would fulfill His purpose for your life.

*You will discover the revolution you were meant to lead, and get the tools to actually get it rolling into action.

*Infused Creativity – Used the very talents you have been given to discover yourself, your purpose, your ministry, your business.

*Practical Tools to make your dreams become a concrete reality

*Permission to finally blossom with boldness and authority

*Accountability and guidance towards your personal and business goals


Who is the Ashes to Beauty For?

Although many women can definitely benefit from a journey into beauty, I must admit that not all are ready for the process. With that being said, this program is meant for the creative and passionate woman that longs to ground herself into the role God created her to fulfill.

*Women that are fed up with the status quo and are willing to challenge it

*Women that have resolved to do whatever it takes to become who they were created to be

*Women who do not feel they have to walk around giving excuses for what they want to do

*Women that have already embarked on a creative business and need tools to take it to another level

*Women that have considered starting a creative business but have not taken the leap for lack of knowledge

*Women that simply know that were made for something big and are ready to BRING IT ON!



Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays 9:00-9:30 PM EST


WEEK 1 :: Say Bye to the Ashes

You’ll learn how to:

  • Identify the lies that have paralyzed you and exchange them for Truth
  • Become clear about who you are  in light of God
  • Become clear about who God created you to be 


WEEK 2 :: Uncover Your Purpose

You’ll learn how to:

  • Identify your passion and purpose – the “why” that will become the driving force in every of your actions  
  • Create a life mission that translates into every area of your life  
  • Identify your core values in order that you may live by them 


WEEK 3 :: Uncover your Resources & Preparation

You’ll learn how to:

  • Explore what God has revealed about your life mission 
  • Discover that your experiences of suffering and sacrifice are integrated to your life purpose (so you can  stop feeling guilty for them, and in turn use them for His Glory!!)
  • Embrace the community of people the Lord has placed around you for the fulfillment of your ministry  (translation: increase the way you impact your community by working alongside others!)


WEEK 4 :: Show Off Your Beauty

You’ll learn how to:

  • Set Up an Action Plan  (and actually follow it!)
  • Build His Empire 
  • Authentically show off the Beauty the Lord has given you (so that others can be drawn closer to Him due to your boldness)


But wait…there’s more!  LOL


You also get ::

1. An invitation to the secret Beauty From Ashes Facebook Alum GroupI do at least one LIVE group coaching call a month for FREE! So you can continue in your journey alongside me at NO extra cost to you!

2. Creative Challenges and Project Ideas fashioned just for Beauty From Ashes Group delivered weekly to your inbox!

3. Access to the Creative Biz Tool Box: a step-by-step guide to building your business and/or ministry (a $650 value)


WHY the Ashes to Beauty Training Program?


1. Lessons are created with your comfort and your talents in mind. Delivered via an audio, video, + interactive worksheets presented in a classroom setting. They are set up to get you moving and crafting the life you were created to have.

2. Beauty from Ashes is NOT just a class. It is a program meant to encourage to begin and complete a journey! You will not be left to your own devices to learn how to implement and master Beauty From Ashes lessons. I work side-by-side with you on the LIVE group coaching calls!

3. Accountability is the key to getting out of our pits, and it is built into Beauty from Ashes! You don’t need more theories or more positivie thinking on how you can reach your purpose.  You need prayer, an action, and execution!

4. You’re not going through this journey alone! The other Beauty Filled Women and I are encouraging you every step of the way! We’re facing our challenges together, giving each other luxurious support, feedback and lifting up prayers for each other!

5. All LIVE group coaching calls are recorded and you will have access to them.

6. Proven techniques. Everything I teach is an obstacle that I’ve overcome. I’m giving you the same tools that had me go from being totally lost to finally getting grounded and fully focused on my God-given calling.



NO Beauty-Full Woman LEFT BEHIND!

If you come to all the LIVE group coaching calls and do all of your homework you will achieve results! Guaranteed!

If not, I will cheerfully refund all of your money! 


Frequently Asked Questions & Concerns

* I Can’t Afford The Program

This has been one of the biggest concerns I have heard, and I can honestly say that it is one that I, myself, truly understand.    When choosing the price of the program I prayed and made the decision to go with the option the Lord placed in my heart.  He showed me that the things that we value the most are the things that cost us the most.  Then I remembered that in my own life the classes and programs I have taken for minimal fees are the ones that I NEVER completed.  The price I chose is one that I know will cause you to commit to the journey, while also being a lesser cost when compared to the life changing value the program will bring to you.

* I Have Tons Going On!  How much time will this take?

The very reason why you have not found your passion, gotten clarity about your purpose, and really experienced the path God has created you for is because you have NOT given it priority!  You and i both know that everything else you may say is just an excuse!  If you want to experience everything the Lord created you to be and you want to actually fulfill your ministry with the confidence and freedom He designed for you to have – you just HAVE to make time.

Here is the actual time commitment for this program:
1.5 hours: Preparation for Class
1.5 hours: 3 Live Classes
1.25 hours: Facebook posting (about 15 minutes a day)
4.25 hours per week x 4 weeks= 17 hours

If you cannot commit to give yourself 17 hours to finally stand in clarity with a full understanding of who you were created to be and where you are headed, plus the why you were created – then this program is not for you.

* How Do I Know I Am Ready To Embark In This Journey?

I understand the hesitancy of change.  It is the one thing that humans do not do well with (for the most part).  You are afraid of the unknown – and many times you rather stay in the uncomfortable than to move towards where the Lord has called.  If you agree with the statements described below then you are ready to take on this journey head on!

*Women that are fed up with the status quo and are willing to challenge it

*Women that have resolved to do whatever it takes to become who they were created to be

*Women who do not feel they have to walk around giving excuses for what they want to do

*Women that simply know that were made for something big and are ready to BRING IT ON!

* How Will I Access The Content of the Program If I Am Out Of Town?

The program is entirely based online – except for the 3 phone calls a week that happen over the phone.  So if you have a phone and access to the internet, you will be able to complete the assignments.  In any case that you cannot make one of the calls, the calls will be recorded and made available to you for future reference.


* What if I’m Still Not Sure… How Can I Know For Sure?

I would like to invite you to take part of the Trial version of the program so that at least you can identify the voices of resistance in your life.  It is the very preparation I have the women go through before they embark on their journey.  With this trial you will be made aware of the very specific things that hold you back, and you will have a clear picture of the lies you have come to believe.  Once you identify these lies, you can decide whether or not you want to live with them for the rest of your life, or if you are ready to let go and let God.
To access the trial please go to and click on the Ashes to Beauty Trial Program.  Then go ahead and create an account so that I can add you to the course.  It should take you about 1 hour to go through the material.  Once you do, pray and ask the Lord if this is the journey that will take you to the next level.. 😉


* What are other saying about this program?

Nana, I want you to know that the past three weeks have been amazing!  I totally did not expect the Lord to move in such a powerful way in my life!  I did not expect the things that have happened, to happen!  I did NOT expect to not be in art school and I did NOT expect to re-enroll in Bible college…I cannot tell you how blessed I am to have had the blinders removed from my eyes, to be awakened to the truth in such a powerful way, and to GET TO combine the two things I’m most passionate about…living a creative life AND teaching the Word of God!  I have no idea how all this will come about, but I’m trusting in my Lord and God to open the doors of opportunity! – Anita Van Hal

 I felt God calling me, and He wanted me to be a part of this.  After losing my father and father in law this year, I was lost and felt that I couldn’t hear Him; I felt abandoned.  But during a chat with a friend, I just felt as though this program was something I truly needed to lift me up from despair.  This was completely new for me!  I’ve never done anything like this…. I’ve hardly even take Bible studies in person.  When I first began the journey I felt Lost. Broken. Confused.
Nana… you truly allowed God to work through you, to find the innermost troubled parts of me, and pull them out and start a healing process.  Your insight allowed me to understand the FULL scale of what my journey (my LIFE) is all about.  I am connecting more with the Lord, daily.  I am finding a peace within myself that had eluded me for many, many months.  And my outlook on my future has become one of joy, curiosity, and renewed spirit. Thank you, lovely lady, for giving me this chance!! – Dana Weseman
Before starting the Ashes to Beauty program, I felt overwhelmed.  I had many dreams and passions and I didn’t know where to start.  I also needed some extra encouragement to believe that my dreams could come true.   I was frustrated, doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.  I was not succeeding.
 Since I started the Ashes to Beauty Program, I have learned concrete steps to identify what is important in my life and ways to implement them.   I’ve realized that being overwhelmed was of my own doing and that if I plan and prioritize my tasks; I do have enough time in a day to do everything the Lord would have me do.  I didn’t know where to start and now after only two weeks, I’ve accomplished many short-term goals.  I have also  been able to pin-point my gifts and passions which sets me free to let go of the things that take up my time but won’t help me accomplish my ultimate goals.
 Marjolaine Walker 

Got more questions, comments or concerns? Please post them as a comment, on our facebook page, or simply email me at


Ashes to Beauty is


+++++++++ ONLY 25 SPOTS WILL BE OPENED++++++++++

Payment Options:

Full Payment-  $597

With this full Payment option there are 4 different ways you can join the journey:

  1. Pay in Full for your own journey and get the beauty you were created to exude on your own.
  2. Pay in full and open the opportunity for someone that is interested in the program but truly cannot afford it.
  3. Pay in full and share the journey with a friend.  You can split the cost of the journey which makes it more affordable for both of you.
  4. Pay in full and have me return 50% back if someone can only afford 50% of the cost and pays me that amount.

Ashes to Beauty Registration Options
Name & E-Mail of your friend.

Payment Plans
I understand that not everyone can afford the journey, and I wouldn’t want that to be what keeps you from being part of it.  So I have prepared different payment plans so that you can afford it and begin your journey immediately.
Here are your options:

Ashes to Beauty 2 Payment Option
Number of payments 2
Start payments At checkout
Due* Amount
At checkout $315.00 USD
Every 4 weeks (x 1) $315.00 USD
Total $630.00 USD
Ashes to Beauty 3 Payment Option
Number of payments 3
Start payments At checkout
Due* Amount
At checkout $219.00 USD
Every 4 weeks (x 2) $219.00 USD
Total $657.00 USD
* We calculate payments from the date of checkout.
Sign up for

 If you cannot find a plan that suits your needs, then I ask that you e-mail me at mypapertreehouse @ There are women that can afford the program and have decided to sponsor other women in 2 ways:

  1. Either they notify me that they are willing to pay for the course in its entirety for someone else, or
  2. They let me know that it was tight for them to purchase the program, and if you can pay $297, I should take that and give it back to them.  (which gives you a 50% off the regular price of the program)
Can’t wait to see the transformation the Lord will bring about it you! 🙂

Love in Christ,

